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Campbell Ruffing - Piano

Campbell Ruffing is currently a senior in high school. He has been playing piano since age 5 and has participated in both Young Artist Auditions and state NCMTA Piano Performance Festivals since 2016 under the guidance of MAS teachers Margot Hafner, Anne Scoggin, and Dr. Jeanine Skinner. He has won several awards, including 1st Place at YAA 2024. After volunteering as a youth golf instructor, he realized that teaching others can be just as rewarding as playing. Through teaching, he can use the skills he has learned from other teachers and pass them down to see others excel as well. Campbell began teaching piano at Music Academy South in July 2024. In addition to music, Campbell loves to play golf, go for walks, and study chemistry for his clubs at school. After graduating high school, he plans to attend college to ultimately become a medical doctor.

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